About Me


Just a girl trying to feed her curiosity of the world…

Hi, I’m Ieva- I’m 21 years old, fresh out of university and like most of you reading this, dreaming of my next vacay!

As someone who is in constant search of inspiration- a feeling many seek but which often strikes in curious situations and places, turning to the world of travel has allowed me to ‘step outside the box’ of my daily routine and make space for new and moving experiences.

Travelling is not just a form of escapism; it is an essential component to broadening our perspectives. Encounters with different cultures have continued to shape my world view, encouraging me to share in the unfamiliar and have even affected the way I go about my day-to-day. As has taking calculated risks and creating new memories in the process.

Each step climbed, each salty sea dip, picture-postcard landscape and even each hotel disaster leaves a lasting impact.

And nothing beats the feeling of stepping off onto the tarmac of a country you have yet to explore!

The Travel Tea platform is dedicated to documenting the adventures I have found myself to be a part of. It aims to move its readers into sharing similar experiences by providing detailed destination guides, itineraries, top tips, local insights and photographs, all while focusing on honesty- ensuring the entire picture is painted and not just the most enjoyable parts.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to explore my travel stories and start planning adventures of your own!